It’s a common misconception that print media is dead in the marketing world. Digital marketing…

How to Create a Successful Mailing List
Bringing in new clients through business mailings is never an easy task. Without a doubt, direct mail marketing is a successful way to get your company’s message across to customers. In this article, you will learn a few tips to generate leads and bring in new customers to add to your mailing list. Your goal is to build a solid direct mail list that you can use to help build your business. A successful mailing list truly reaches would-be clients and brings them in.
9 Tips on How to Build a Successful Mailing List
In today’s modern era, most people are focused on digital marketing to the very thought of creating a mailing list and launching a direct mail campaign is a bit daunting. Here are a few tips to get you started with regular mail and electronic marketing:
1. Contact List and Content
Thing about the material that you will be mailing out. Is it great educational content that your clients will value or is there an offer that they absolutely cannot resist? Anything less is a waste of money. If your company is alive and thriving on the net then design a landing page that asks your clients to enter their contact information. In today’s rushed society, most people are willing to type in an email but a complete physical address is asking a lot. You are going to have to offer something that makes it worth your clients time. A downloadable eBook or a valuable coupon. Something good will trigger then to leave a full physical address so you can build your contact list. You can even run a contest that requests all information to submit an entry.
2. Trade Show Attendee List
Trade shows cater to a very targeted audience. Real decision makers attend these functions. You can usually purchase the attendee list with all of the valuable information including business addresses that you can send direct mail to.
3. Facebook Ads
Without a doubt, this is a goldmine that many do not utilize. You can create a lookalike audience that is based on your email list. Then start lead generation ads to really reach out. Send those who click your ad to a contact submission form and have them enter their address there.
4. Every Day Direct Mail
Every day direct mail, often referred to as EDDM, uses the United Postal Service to target households in a specific demographic. You can make the radius as small or large as you want. An EDDM list does not show names, but if people respond then you will have names and leads.
5. Content Marketing
An e-newsletter should ask recipients for their physical address at some point before, or preferably after, signing up. Any time visitors download something, ask them to fill out the online registration form that requests their street address. Some might not want to take the time, but others will certainly fill out all of the crucial information.
6. Buy a Cloned List
Cloned lists are a great way to gain information and addresses of potential clients. Create a profile that outlines your customers and then you will be able to purchase a list that meets the criteria.
7. Use Your Existing Following
Does your business have a strong social media presence or do you blog regularly? Both platforms are ideal to promote your brand, content, and business. Tweet about things regularly. Offer a webinar. Give away a free eBook. Create flow directly to your landing pages using both avenues; blog posts and social media updates. Content is king and great content is going to reach your clients. Once you have funneled them where you want them to go then don’t hesitate to ask them to provide you with a physical address so you can give them even more bonuses, coupons, information, or other freebies.
8. Use Offline Events to Gather Addresses
Many people fear the internet’s lack of privacy and will not leave their physical address. This is especially true of the older population. If your company attends local community events or sets up booths at fundraisers, then this a great way to gather physical addresses. Ask people who stop by to fill out a form asking for all of their information so you can create a successful mailing list. Conferences are also great places to take advantage of face-to-face contact. Everyone likes to interact with a real-life smiling face. Give them a reason to fill out your forms such as free at-location giveaways, discount coupons, contests, or other useful information that will appeal to them. Remember, you have to entice them.
9. Physical Addresses and Email Lists
You want to generate interest and build a strong following. Valuable content is the key and this includes emails. Give your contacts awesome emails that they look forward too. Offer coupons or other savings so they will readily open the emails. Then go a step further and direct them to respond by providing their physical address. Also, use social sharing buttons for facebook or twitter. Ask them to email a friend. Remember, you are creating a giant web-like structure that grabs people. Many offer discounts if a client brings in a new potential customer and provides you with their information.
Keep it Simple: In today’s fast-paced world nobody wants to be bothered with filling out a huge page. Always keep things short and sweet. Simplicity if valued.
Taking Advantage of a Great Mailing List
You have gathered your successful mailing list and now you need to take advantage of it. Here are just a few tips that will make all of your hard work pay off.
- Never try to sell a product right out of the shoot. You don’t want to look like a telemarketer. No one likes to be pressured.
- Always interact with your prospects using not only standard mail but also electronically.
- Promote offers in your direct mail pieces so your clients look forward to them.
- Keep it all simple. People don’t want to read an entire flyer. They also like colorful visuals. Get your point across in as few words as possible and make it all visually interesting.
- Always use images that grab the viewer’s attention.
If you would like to get your direct mail campaign off of the ground, contact the experts at Action Mailing & Printing Solutions today. We are happy to advise, print and help distribute your marketing materials to the right people.
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